5 Property Preventative Maintenance Must-Dos That Can Save Costly Headaches

5 Property Preventative Maintenance Must-Dos That Can Save Costly Headaches

A person in a tool belt with a hammer and level tool, inspecting the house exterior for property preventative maintenance.

As a rental property owner, you want to make sure your investment stays in good working order. Just like your primary residence, property preventative maintenance can prevent costly issues down the line. We recommend periodic inspections for every rental property, confirming tenant care and catching problems early while they’re still small. Air Conditioning In Central … Read more

What Happens When You Submit a Maintenance Request

A selection of essential tools, including an orange safety helmet, saw, trowel, nails, hammer, wrench, screw, safety goggles, and a red clamp, thoughtfully organized on a sturdy wooden table—a perfect setup for handling a tenant maintenance request.

When your toilet won’t stop running, the kitchen light burns out, or garbage disposal gets stuck, what should you do? As a renter, you have the benefit of submitting requests for repairs and maintenance work. So what happens when you submit a maintenance request?  Submit All Maintenance Requests in the Tenant Portal While you can … Read more

Why Rental Property Walkthroughs are Essential to the Success of Your Investment

A person holding a clipboard with a checklist marking off items. The person is standing in front of a two story house.

Rental property owners, how do you know your tenants are taking care of your investment? Doing due diligence before accepting a new renter doesn’t mean you can just chill and collect the checks after lease signing. Periodic check-ups can help you ensure everything’s copacetic. It might feel awkward to walk around other people’s stuff, but … Read more